
“Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
The idea behind Iron is simple – to provide a place where men can meet to study God’s Word and pray together. In recent years, men’s groups have become more about activities and outings, and there is some value in enjoying these things together. However, our deepest need as men is to listen to God’s Word and learn how to apply it to our lives.
Personal time with God is essential but there are benefits to group study that we would not get alone. As a group, we bring different perspectives and interpretations of a text that we may not have considered. We also challenge each other to think through why we believe what we do. This does not mean attacking each other or trying to put down all differing views – it means sharpening each other in our understanding and application of the Gospel.
We believe that God created men and women equally but with different roles. As men, we are called to lead in Church and in the Home. This is not something that we should take lightly – there is a huge responsibility on us to love and to serve sacrificially in our leadership. This is why it is vital to a local church’s health that its men are united in their pursuit of the Gospel. As we learn more about how God calls us to live, we can better serve our families and our church.
Iron meets on the first Sunday of each month before the morning service. We normally have breakfast together at 8:45 and then move into studying God’s Word. At present, we are reading through the letter of 1 Peter. Once we have discussed the passage, we then move into a time of sharing and praying with each other. By praying with each other, we share each other’s burdens and we trust in God’s sovereignty over every situation.
We would love for men to join us as we seek to glorify God in all we do.